Here at Spine Solutions, we offer you plenty of options for any discomfort or pain that you’re feeling in your back.
Bulging Disc
Degenerative Disc Disease
Torn Disc
Facet Joint Disease
Failed Surgery
Foraminal Stenosis
Pinched Nerve
Spinal Stenosis
Herniated Disc
If you think you have been diagnosed with any of these symptoms, please come see us.
A lumbar micro endoscopic discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure performed through a tubular device and designed to relieve pain caused by herniated discs pressing on nerve roots.
A newer surgical option for the treatment of painful lumbar discs in the US is artificial disc replacement. The first disc implant was approved for use in the general patient population in October 2004, and a second technology was approved in August 2006. With two technologies now available, artificial disc replacement is arguably becoming more popular and discussed more frequently as a treatment option.
With artificial disc replacement, pain relief is brought about by removal of the painful disc and motion is maintained with the use of a prosthetic implant made of metal (with or without a plastic bearing surface). This is more similar in theory to the artificial hip, knee, and shoulder joints that orthopedic surgeons have been using for more than 35 years to maintain motion and relieve the pain of arthritic extremity joints. However, there is a significant difference in that only one of the three joints that are present at each vertebral level is being replaced, whereas a hip or knee joint the total joint is replaced.
A lumbar laminectomy is a spine surgery that involves removing bone to relieve excess pressure on the spinal nerve(s) in the lumbar spine, or lower back.
Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is a spine surgery that involves approaching the spine from the front (anterior) of the body to remove all or part of a herniated disc from in between two adjacent vertebrae (interbody) in the lower back (lumbar spine), then fusing, or joining together, the vertebrae on either side of the remaining disc space using bone graft or bone graft substitute.
Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) is a form of spine surgery in which the lumbar spine is approached through an incision in the back. The name of the procedure is derived from: transforaminal (through the foramen), lumbar (lower back), interbody (implants or bone graft placed between two vertebral bodies) and fusion (spinal stabilization).

The procedure typically involves accessing the cervical spine through an anterior approach, or from the front. Spinal fusion is usually necessary because of the amount of vertebral bone and/or disc material that must be removed to achieve sufficient decompression of the neural structures.
- In a cervical discectomy, the surgeon accesses the cervical spine through a small incision in the neck and removes all or part of the disc – and/or in some cases bone material – that’s pressing on the nerves and causing pain.
- Spinal fusion involves placing bone graft between two or more affected vertebrae to promote bone growth between the vertebral bodies. The graft material acts as a binding medium and also helps maintain normal disc height – as the body heals, the vertebral bone and bone graft eventually grow together to join the vertebrae and stabilize the spine.

Spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal. It may occur in any of the region of the spine and usually progresses with aging. This narrowing causes a restriction to the spinal canal, resulting in a neurological deficit. Symptoms may include pain, numbness, and loss of motor control. With spinal stenosis, the spinal canal is narrowed around the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. Cervical and lumbar stenosis are the most common. Both can be treated using minimally invasive procedures at Spine Solutions. The interspinous spacer is the latest technology used to treat and stabilize the affected level. A small incision(3 cm) is made between the spinous process’ at the level of stenosis. The level is decompressed and expanded a few millimeters to free the spinal canal and alleviate nerve/cord pressure. A spacer is inserted between the two spinous processed to keep the space open. A clamp is then inserted to prevent movement at the affected level while healing takes place. The procedure takes approximately 1 hour and the patient usually experiences immediate relief in symptoms.
- The sacroiliac joint or SI joint is the joint in the pelvis between the sacrum and the ilium, which are joined by strong ligaments. The SI joint is a strong weight bearing joint that hold the pelvis together. There are two joints, one on the right and left. Pain is thought to be caused by sacroilitis, an inflammation of one or both of the sacroiliac joints. Sacroiliitis may cause pain in the low back, buttock or thigh, depending on the amount of inflammation or damage to the joint. SI joint dysfunction is a common cause of sacroilitis . Sacroiliac joint dysfunction generally refers to abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint, either too much motion or too little motion. It typically results in inflammation of the SI joint, or sacroilitis. Sacroilitis can also be due to prior lumbar fusion (failed back surgery), females after child bearing, trauma, abnormal gait and infection.
- This condition can be treated with either injections to numb the joint temporarily or a new minimally invasive technique called SI joint fusion. No hardware (metal rods or screws) is needed and just one small incision (3cm) is made regardless of bilateral or unilateral pain. Dr. Myers uses small plugs made of bone that prevents the Sacroiliac joint from rubbing together. This is a permanent solution as the joints fuse together. It takes less than 30 minutes and minimal pain is experienced after the procedure.